What Are the Health Consequences of Low Testosterone?

What Are the Health Consequences of Low Testosterone?

Testosterone is often described as the hormone that’s responsible for your male characteristics. So it makes sense that, when levels are low, the impact can be widespread. 

As experts in men’s health, the team at No Mercy Sports Medicine, led by Dr. Moisés Irizarry-Román, understands very well the wide net that low testosterone (low T) can cast over your health and wellness.

Here, we explore what constitutes low testosterone, what the potential side effects of low T include, and how we can help rebalance your hormone levels.

What is low T?

When you pass through puberty, your levels of testosterone become very high — the highest you’ll experience during your lifetime. Produced in your testicles, testosterone helps guide male development, such as muscle mass, body hair, a deeper voice, and sperm production.

Once you reach your 20s, your testosterone production levels out and then starts a slow decline as you age. This decline in production is barely noticeable, at first, but the deficit can begin to add up as you reach your 40s, 50s, and beyond. In fact, four out of 10 men over age 45 have low testosterone.

When we say low testosterone, we’re referring to levels that dip below 300 nanograms per deciliter. Normal levels are between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL.

While aging is the primary culprit behind low T, injury to your testicles, testicular cancer, and conditions like obesity or diabetes can also lead to low testosterone.

Side effects of low T

A decline in testosterone levels affects men differently depending upon their starting points, but there are some common symptoms, which include:

Decline in sexual function

You need testosterone to produce sperm, but it also helps with libido and sexual function. When levels are low, you may experience erectile dysfunction, fertility issues, and low libido.

Loss of muscle mass

Another sign of low T is loss of lean muscle mass. Often, we group this side effect with weight gain, as that’s typically the result of losing muscle mass. 


Many men complain of general fatigue when they have low T. This fatigue also exacerbates other issues, such as loss of muscle mass.

Mental health issues

Depression, anxiety, and excessive irritability are also cited often when it comes to low T. It’s difficult to make a direct connection here, but we do know that low T can have an impact on men’s mental health, just as female reproductive hormone imbalances in women affect their mental wellness.

Restoring metabolic order

If you recognize any of these symptoms, it’s time to come in to see us so we can evaluate your hormone levels. If we find that your testosterone levels are lower than normal, we can get you started with hormone replacement therapy.

If you’d like to learn more about the health consequences of low T, or if you’d like to be tested for the condition, contact our office in Miami, Florida, to schedule an appointment.

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